Rock Climbing Shoes and The Right Gear Can Make Or Break You
When it comes to any sport or adventuring, having the right gear can make or break your endeavor. Even the strongest, most capable of athletes require the proper gear for whatever they are trying to do. You do not see marathon runners out there barefoot, do you? So why should rock climbing be any different? When it comes to rock climbing, there are a few pieces of equipment you should look into. But one that often gets overlooked is a good pair of rock climbing shoes.
When people hear the word ‘gear’ in this setting, they are probably thinking of things like ropes, harnesses and the like. Not many people will stop and look down and notice the two things strapped to their feet. But the shoes you wear is actually really important in rock climbing.
You probably know that different sports have different types of shoes built for that. Football, baseball, soccer all have cleats on their shoes to help with traction. Tennis or basketball players wear shoes made to grip the surfaces of the court.
Rock climbing is the same, you need proper footwear to get the most out of it. So when looking around for a good pair of rock climbing shoes, the first thing you should make note of is their size. Normally when buying shoes you want a little wiggle room but with rock climbing you want them to be fairly snug. The last thing you want is to have your foot move in your shoe and lose your footing on the side of a cliff.
How to Choose Rock Climbing Shoes
Now, this is not to mean you want them tight. You will be wearing these shoes for a long time and under strenuous activity, they need to be comfortable. So you need to find that perfect middle ground between comfort and snugness.

You will also want to make sure you are getting the best you possibly can. Money is often tight so we try to buy the cheapest things we can, but when it comes to your gear you do not want to settle for less. Quality is important since you will need a shoe that will last and serve you well on your climbs. So even if they might be a bit more expensive, it is best to shell out a few extra bucks and save yourself from problems down the road.
One last thing when buying rock climbing shoes, make sure to remember that they are for climbing and climbing only. This might sound like common sense but people often forget to keep things like this separate, we just do not give our shoes much thought.
But to make sure your climbing shoes remain in top form, only wear them when you are actually climbing. Keep your other pair for day to day use and leave your climbing shoes along with the rest of your climbing gear.
Having the proper gear is important for any sort of adventure, this includes the more mundane things like shoes. So make sure you do your homework and get yourself the best pair you can find.
Rock Climbing Shoes – Choose the right type of climbing shoes
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