Geek 7 Co. Science Gross Gummy Candy Lab
Back in the day, I remember when these little chemistry lab kits started emerging – they were something every experimental kid on the block just had to have in front of them. If you have a little one that enjoys everything science related, then surely you can relate with me on that one. You’ve probably experienced volcanoes erupting right on your kitchen counter, or witnessed your own ant colony in your living room. Geek & Co. has something a little different from your standard volcano eruption and that is what I am here to tell you about today. Today, I will be introducing you to the Science Gross Gummy Candy Lab by Geek & Co. that is set to come out later this year (2018).
About the Science Gross Gummy CandyLab
With this gummy lab, your child will be able to make some gross new shapes …gross shapes that are delicious to eat. That’s right, this is something that can be consumed, which makes it even better because, at the end, when it’s all done, you’ll have the treat to enjoy. Together, you can mold your own yummy gummy worms and spiders.
Natural Gelatin-Like Ingredient
The #kit comes with a natural gelatin-like ingredient that you will be using. The ingredient is called carrageenan and it comes from seaweed, and that thought within itself makes it even more interesting to me.
You can sweeten the mixture with green apple and mixed berry flavors that come with the kit. Once you have it all mixed up, simply dump it in the mold (there’s a mold included) and make your own gummy worms and spiders. If you’re into sour gummies, you can add in some citric acid.
Geek & Co Science Gross Gummy CandyLab makes learning about the scientific properties of natural polymers exciting.
Who is the CandyLab for?
The CandyLab is for children ages 6 and up. I believe it would be a great way to get your little one into science kits and help them learn. Plus, it is a great way to bond with your child as you get to make gummies together. It’s great for those little ones that aren’t quite ready for the exploding volcano (that will come a bit later, you’ll see).
All in all, I believe this is a nice little kit and would be a great starter kit – the little ones will enjoy the fact that they get a treat at the end (a treat that they made with their own two hands). Plus, it’ll also be fun for you …who doesn’t like to #experiment with gummies?
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